Easy kid-friendly lunch ideas | PACHA Bigger & Buckwheat-ier Pizza Bites

We started off the 2020 quarantine giving our sourdough starters names like 'Old Yeaston' + 'Gerda'.  We rolled out pizza dough from scratch and made more banana bread than we knew how to consume.  Let's be real, we no longer have time to be posting Instagram worthy food photos.  We heard you, that's why we did the baking for you!  

Easy, healthy lunches for on-the-go moms:



Bigger & Buckwheat-ier Pizza Bites - For those kids (and adults) who demand pizza.

*or other toppings! You will likely find most ingredients that will work just as well, if not better, in your fridge/ pantry.


Construct your pizza bites as shown. Bake at 350°F for 5-7 minutes. Broil on high for the last 2-3 until cheese turns golden brown!⁣  
