What Is Gluten-Free Bread Made Of? January 2023We're here to break down exactly what's in gluten-free breads, and share our process for creating buckwheat bread magic!
Why Is Sprouted Bread Better? December 2022What Is Sprouted Bread? Sprouted Bread is bread that is made with grains or seeds that have been sprouted, optimizing the bread’s overall nutritional index and digestibility. Traditionally with sprouted...
The Basics of Buckwheat August 2022Wondering what in the world buckwheat is? In this post, we are going to break down what buckwheat is, how it is considered gluten-free as well as Paleo, and how farming...
What Is Sprouted Bread? June 2022 You may have heard of the term, “sprouted bread”, used to describe a healthier version of bread compared to white or whole grain flour-based products. In this article, we will...
How-To Video -- The Sandwich Slice | A better way to cut buckwheat bread! September 2021A quick video that demonstrates our favorite way to slice a PACHA loaf for an incredible sandwich experience.